This cake is so good you would never guess it was gluten free! The recipe (like most of my recipes) is an old family favourite converted to banana flour. I have such fond memories of Grandma baking this cake for our family at Christmas and even baking them as gifts for my school teachers! I am really glad that I can share this delicious cake with you and thanks to Grandma for being such a great cook and instilling a love of baking in me xxo – Mrs Natural Evolution
300gr glace cherries roughly chopped
375gr raisins
375gr currants
500g sultanas
1 cup brandy
250gr butter
3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
4 eggs (room temp is best)
1/3 cup marmalade
1 1/2 cups of Natural Evolution Ultimate Gluten Free Baking Flour – Green Banana Flour
1/2 teaspoon bi-carb soda
1 teaspoon mixed spice
– optional blanced almond for decorating
1. Place all dried fruit (currants, raisins, glace cherries, sultanas) in a bowl with brandy poured over the top. Mix to ensure even consistency. Cover and put in fridge overnight.
2. Prepare tin (square 20x20cm or round) by lining inside with 2 layers of oven proof baking paper. Wrap the outside of the tin 1cm above the rim with 2 more layers of baking paper and secure with oven proof twine.
3. In a bowl or TM mix the butter and sugar until sugar dissolves and mixture is creamy.
4. Add eggs one at a time mixing between each addition. At this point mixture may seem interesting this is just because there are 4 eggs.
5. Add marmalade, mixed spice and Natural Evolution Banana Flour. Mix well until batter is creamy and has a noticeable lighten in colour.
6. Combine the fruit and cake batter gently folding the soaked fruit.
7. Pour mixture into prepared tin, cover with alfoil and bake at 140C for approximately 3.5hrs – check centre of cake with a skewer to see if it is ready (skewer will come out clean).
8. Remove from oven to cool. If you really like a brandy flavour, pour a 1/2 cup over the hot cake and allow to cool.
9. Enjoy with friends and family 🙂